It has been a long time since my last post, and for that I do apologize. 2014 was a great transition for us as we chose to take our children out of virtual school to start our adventure of traditional homeschooling. We had two in regular public school but had to pull one of them out because of health concerns, leaving us with three homeschooling, one public schooling, and two who are play learning. My husband was FINALLY released to go back to work late in the year, but we are still fighting the workers comp process from his former employer. My goal to get better was met with great success and a HUGE surprise. I managed to loose over 50 pounds, but gained a baby! :) Yes, you read that right. We are expecting baby number 7 at the end of April. This will make our fifth boy! I have managed to gain less than 10 pounds thus far. Now we are in the preparation faze of his arrival. As you can see it has been a big year for our family. We are blessed to say we have come closer to God, our church family and diving deeper into the word of God.
We spent a great deal of time last year worrying over what to do about everything going on around us, and came to the conclusion that we needed to hand it all over to the one who has it all covered, who knows what's best and has always got us safely in the palm of His mighty hand. Yep, God. It's not easy, and we still struggle to just let things go. We have to always remind ourselves that its for the best and we will be better for it. Nothing about following God is easy. I don't think I would want it to be. Just imagine all the people who would follow Him only because they want selfishly to have everything go right, without difficulty. What would we learn? Not much, that's for sure. We are always blessed by His teachings even through the difficult. Maybe we don't instantly feel the blessing, and have to pray about how we feel at that moment, but the feeling of blessing does come.
In closing today, I am a very thankful woman who has been beyond blessed through the troubles. I hope you find encouragement to take on whatever the world brings or whatever God sets at your feet. Either way, know that He will bring you through it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon enough in His own time. Life changes moment to moment and we have to learn better ways to change with it, while still keeping hold to Him. Good luck and God bless!
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